Coretek's Gallup Survey Employee Engagement Ranks Highest in Four Years

Each year, the Coretek Human Resources team works with Gallup to deliver a Q12 Employee Engagement Survey. Coretek is proud to announce that our Employee Engagement Survey results for 2021 Q4 are the highest since we began the annual survey in 2018. 

What is the Q12 Gallup Employee Engagement Survey?

Gallup invented employee engagement (including the best way to measure it) and studied human nature and performance for over 75 years. 

Below are the 12 employee needs that the Gallup survey measures for employers. 

  1. An employee must know what is expected of them at work.
  2. Having the materials and equipment needed to do their work right.
  3. Having the opportunity to do what they do best every day at work.
  4. Having received recognition or praise in the last seven days for doing good work.
  5. Knowing that their supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about them as a person.
  6. Having someone at work who encourages their development.
  7. Knowing that their opinions seem to count.
  8. The mission or purpose of their company makes them feel that their job is important.
  9. Believing that their associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work.
  10. Having a best friend at work.
  11. Having someone talk to them about their progress in the last six months. 
  12. Having had opportunities at work to learn and grow.

The goal of the Q12 engagement survey is not to have employees complete a survey and move on. The goal is to start a conversation between managers and their employees.

The Coretek leadership is committed to hiring and retaining the best talent. Keeping the best people takes dedication to the long-term success of each employee. It takes leadership that genuinely cares about the needs and expectations of an ever-evolving workforce. In addition to the standard survey questions, Coretek also devotes time to building custom questions to enhance the process so that leadership can ensure they align employee expectations and company goals.

"It is inspiring to work in an organization experiencing such tremendous transformation. Each person at Coretek has the opportunity to roll up their sleeves and contribute to our rapid growth. We are expanding our dedicated and passionate team of professionals who genuinely desire the best outcomes for their customers."

– Andy Scofield, VP of Human Resources

Coretek’s Custom Survey Questions

  1. I will recommend my company as a great place to build a meaningful career.
  2. I have grown in my ability to positively impact our customers.
  3. I believe that my salary and benefits are commensurate to the effort that I put in.
  4. My company provides me with opportunities to balance my work life and personal life.
  5. I am satisfied with the information I receive from leadership about what is going on in my group.
  6. I have confidence that senior management is leading this company in the right direction.
  7. I am satisfied with the information I receive from leadership about what is going on in the company.
  8. I strongly believe in my company’s values.
  9. There is a cooperation between my department and other departments with whom I work.
  10. I can approach management with suggestions and criticisms.

Coretek’s Gallup Survey Results 

This year the team is proud to announce the engagement rate is 61% which is 69% over the Gallup national average!

Coretek is on the rise in the managed services and security market; there are significant opportunities for new employees and current employees to take on new and exciting roles that support the managed services offering.


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