Azure DevOps Implementation

Plan Smarter, Collaborate Better

Our Azure DevOps Implementation will help you leverage the automation of code deployment. This solution enables you to achieve business priorities for cloud infrastructure and applications by equipping operations and development teams with a cloud-native platform to manage and deploy their code in an Azure Landing Zone deployed via pipeline.

Azure DevOps Process-01 Azure DevOps Process-01

Benefits of Azure DevOps

By leveraging Azure DevOps, Coretek provides a secure, scalable code development platform that will help get your business on track to meet customer demand. For this Proof of Concept, Coretek will design, build and provide the methodology for your Azure DevOps Environment.

  • Reduce disruptions and improve IT stability
  • Increased velocity of feature releases
  • Improved quality and reliability of deployments
  • Enhanced visibility into your code
  • Ease of backlog management and refinement
  • Improved continuous integration & continuous delivery security posture
  • Greater control over code

Our Implementation Includes 

  • Project Boards
  • Code Repository
  • Secure Access
  • Code Iteration
  • Build Agents
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Pipeline

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