Application Observability Implementation

Innovate Faster and More Securely 

This 2-week implementation is a single environment deployment of Dynatrace, which will help you simplify the complexities of Azure and innovate faster, more efficiently, and more securely with automatic and intelligent observability.

Dynatrace is the leader in full-stack observability through a single platform. From application and infrastructure monitoring to digital experience and application security, Dynatrace leverages purpose-built data and AI technologies to simplify cloud operations, automate DevSecOps, and help organizations do more with less in the cloud.

The Coretek team has a depth of knowledge managing all Azure services and workloads and will quickly get your IT team to an advanced state of observability.

Benefits of Application Observability

Operation Resiliency
  • Improve Service Levels
  • Reduction in Outages
  • AI assistance with Root Cause Analysis
Staff Productivity
  • Improvements in Efficiency
  • Improved Team Cross Functional Collaboration
Cost Savings
  • Tool Consolidation
  • Software, Hardware and Cloud Consumption Optimization
Business Agility
  • Faster and more frequent deployments of features with fewer errors
  • End User Experience, Real User Monitoring
  • End User Experience Improvement
  • Decrease Abandonment Rates
  • Improved Satisfaction for Internal and External Users
  • Cross Platform Usability

Implementation Outcomes

  • Quick installation (Fully Automated)
  • True full-stack monitoring
  • Reduce alert storms by finding only faulty tiers
  • Deep understanding of end-user service impact
  • Discrete user session tracking
  • Synthetic monitoring to simulate user sessions

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